Exhibition History
- Instant Art Paris 2019 / Group Exhibition / Paris, France
- Nitty Gritty / Solo Exhibition / Stockholm, Sweden
- Polaroid Festival Barcelona / Group Exhibition / Atelier Guell, Barcelona, Spain
- Instant Art Arles 2019 / Group Exhibition / Galerie des arènes, Arles, France
- Black Satin /Group Exhibition / PAK Galerie, Belgium
- Sentô / Solo exhibition / Paris, France
- Instant Art Paris / Group Exhibition / Galerie Joseph Turenne
- POLAROID FESTIVAL 2018 / Group Exhibition / Espace Beaurepaire, Paris, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Piscine St Georges Rennes, France
- Chair / Group exhibition / A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, USA
(Awarded "Director's Honorable Mention)
- The Photographic Nude 2018 / Group exhibition / LightBOX Photographic gallery. Astoria, Oregon, USA
- Solo Exhibition / little Big Galerie, Paris, France
- The Face / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- "Classical Position" / Solo Exhibition/ Impossible Project Psace Paris
- "Sens dessus dessous" / Group Exhibition/ Les Rituelles, Paris
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Metro Rennes, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" / Group Exhibition/ Hotel Pasteur, Rennes, France
- Black & White (and Blue) / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- POLAROID FESTIVAL 2018 / Group Exhibition / Espace Beaurepaire, Paris, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Piscine St Georges Rennes, France
- Chair / Group exhibition / A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, USA
(Awarded "Director's Honorable Mention)
- The Photographic Nude 2018 / Group exhibition / LightBOX Photographic gallery. Astoria, Oregon, USA
- Solo Exhibition / little Big Galerie, Paris, France
- The Face / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- "Classical Position" / Solo Exhibition/ Impossible Project Psace Paris
- "Sens dessus dessous" / Group Exhibition/ Les Rituelles, Paris
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Metro Rennes, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" / Group Exhibition/ Hotel Pasteur, Rennes, France
- Black & White (and Blue) / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- POLAROID FESTIVAL 2018 / Group Exhibition / Espace Beaurepaire, Paris, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Piscine St Georges Rennes, France
- Chair / Group exhibition / A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, USA
(Awarded "Director's Honorable Mention)
- The Photographic Nude 2018 / Group exhibition / LightBOX Photographic gallery. Astoria, Oregon, USA
- Solo Exhibition / little Big Galerie, Paris, France
- The Face / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- "Classical Position" / Solo Exhibition/ Impossible Project Psace Paris
- "Sens dessus dessous" / Group Exhibition/ Les Rituelles, Paris
- "Polaroid is not Dead" /Group Exhibition/ Metro Rennes, France
- "Polaroid is not Dead" / Group Exhibition/ Hotel Pasteur, Rennes, France
- Black & White (and Blue) / Group Exhibition / Darkroom Gallery, Vermont, USA
- Flawed / Group exhibition / A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, USA
(Awarded "Director's selection)
- EXPOLAROID 2016 PARIS / Group Exhibition / Gallery Module, Paris, France
- Polaroid is not dead / Group Exhibition / L'Hôtel Pasteur, Rennes, France
- POLAROID FESTIVAL 2016 / Group Exhibition / Espace des arts sans frontières, Paris, France
- DREAMS with 12:12 Project / Group exhibition / Nashville, USA
- EXPOLAROID 2015 / Group Exhibition / Montélimar, France
- Collectif 1 Instant / Expolaroid 2015, Prague.
- Collectif 1 Instant / Expolaroid 2015, Rennes, France
- Les petits Polas / Group exhibition / "Polaroid & I", Paris, France
- Les petits pola / Group exhibition / EN FACE, Paris/France.
- Höstsalong / Group exhibition / Galleri Nästan Lugn, Stockholm/Sweden.
- IDENTITY / SOLO exhibition / Galleri Axel, Stockholm/Sweden.
- BONJOUR POLA / Group exhibition / EN FACE, Paris.
- Le Polaroid dans tous ses états / SOLO exhibition / Little Big Galerie, Paris.
- Collectif 1 Instant / Expolaroid 2013, Nantes, France
- A place to be / Group exhibition / EN FACE, Paris, France
- Polaroid Horizon / Group exhibition / Paris, France
- Collectif 1 Instant / Group exhibition / POLADAY, Nantes, France.
- Pola Festival / Group exhibition / Comfluances Paris, France.
- Solo Exhibition / EN FACE/Paris, France.
- "Tu veux voir mon appareil" / Group exhibition / BonjourPola. Paris, France.
- Collectif 1 Instant / Confluances Paris, France.
- Polaroid "Bonjour" / Group exhibition / Paris, France.
- Collectif 1 Instant / Poladay Cholet.
- "La controverse du Polaroïd" / Group exhibition / Festival international de photographie d’Arles,France.
- Collectif 1 Instant/ Dieppe, France for the "mois de l'image.
- konoyubi ART / Group exhibition / LION Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
- PlanketGBG 2009 / Group exhibition / Göteborg, Sweden.
- Réponse par l’image / Group exhibition / Festival international de photographie d’Arles,France.
- konoyubi ART / Group exhibition / H.A.C. Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
- Genesic(s) Instinct(s) / Group exhibition / GeNeRiQ Music Festival, France.
Impossible Project Magazine WEB
Supplementaire, Isue #15
Paris émoi...
Polaroid Best of
Pryme Magazine, issue1#
Poladrium poster 2014
Poladrium Calendar 2013, 2014, 2016
Bonjourpola 2010, 2011, 2012
Le Polaroid / technique et artistique
C-International Photo Magazine
TicKL Magazine, Volume #3, #4
Genesic(s) Instinct(s)